Monday, August 13, 2012

Module 6

EDUC  8842 Final Video Project v.1

Such as it is, here it is.  I sure can say it is easier to stand in front of a class than a camera!  
Click the link to go to it, for some reason inserting the video isn't working for me.

Final (?) version 2.5  Up dated with embed....

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Module 5

EDUC 8842, Module 5

The continuum of interactivity for online study is a range between static and dynamic (Moller, 2008).  Manipulation of data and inputs creates the opportunity to develop information rather than regurgitate it.  Being interactive is on the dynamic end of the continuum which requires one to use and manipulate the information for the desired results.
The Continuum
One of the more difficult aspect of the transition from teacher led to online is that the instructor needs to lose some of the control and allow students to locate, discover or create in order to show understanding and mastery.  Making the instructor a curator rather than controller (Siemens, 2008).

 I find myself some where in the middle, having had a classical education in brick and mortar settings even though as I was learning while in the midst of a burgeoning online model.  I still must work at learning the potential of the tools and the application for learning online.  Being in this class I have certainly expanded my knowledge and experiences in creating video.  When student teaching, I was ahead of the curve with one mentoring teacher by use of the power point and similar presentations.  Now I can see students using video and creating their own interpretations. 

I have a long way to go, but expect I will get there!

Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools.
        [Unpublished Paper].
Siemens, G. (2008). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. . ITForum.